Social Media Fast. Day 1.

I have decided I wasn’t living my best life and social media is to blame. I hope it is to blame because that seems like a pretty easy problem to fix - cut out social media and start living life and meeting goals, right?

I’m sure there are a number of other reasons my life seems out of control, but honestly it is hard to ignore the number of hours I spend scrolling, and at the end of the day I look around at my messy house, think about that stack of unread books and how I used to love to read, and try to ignore that my pants keep getting tighter. 

I've tried to quit social media before, but I always get pulled back in, mostly from Fear of Missing Out (FOMO).  I reasoned that my family was on Facebook and Messenger and it was the only way for me to keep updated on those relationships, which are already hanging by a thread.  My husband is a heavy social media user, and it doesn't seem to bother him which is fine - it bothers me because I don't feel as productive as a used to, and it has stealthily replaced things that I used to love to do. And I don't even get joy out of it.  In fact, most of the time it makes me angry or sad. I think I would be better off not seeing everybody's fabulous life, or knowing that my family really, really supports politics and agendas that I despise, or having to junk up my brain with every little post, gram or tweet that come from a pool of followers/friends that really don't enhance enjoyment of my own life.

I am on a mission to simplify my life, pare down all the extraneous stuff, choose the things that I truly value, and keep my brain sharp so I don't get early onset dementia. My family has always stayed sharp well into their 80s, some into their 90s, but I know that the path I am on is not going there.  I am 44 and it is time to set the habits that will keep my mind and body fit as I age.

So, lets get into day 1, shall we?

1pm   I have been talking myself into doing this for a while, trying to convince myself and others why I am trying to do this.  But today, July 15, 2019, I said "fuck it" and deleted Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest from my iPhone at about 1pm.  I have decided to keep YouTube for now, partly because it provides alot of information on social media fasts (the irony is not lost on me), and partly because I listen to some things while I commute to and from work (30 minutes both ways).

6:39pm  So far I have worked out, gone to the grocery store, made chicken salad, read some blogs, folded laundry. In my newfound excitement for 'getting stuff done' I made my husband reserve a U-Haul so we can get rid of a bunch of clutter that is really bothering me lately.  I just want to throw everything out and start over. I have a feeling I will regret having to get up on our day off and go pick up the truck, and then spend the rest of the day hauling garbage to the dump.

I have reached for my phone umpteen times, and I find myself wondering what to do next. Reaching for a book seems like alot of work, actually sitting and focusing enough to read seems monumental. However, it feels nice knowing that my time is mine, and in due time I will figure out ways to occupy my time like I did before social media existed. I don't ever remember being so bored that I couldn't find anything to do, but that almost seems like a lost art now.  What is also strange is the idea that my time shouldn't be filled with boring household chores - there is a ton of stuff I could be cleaning up but I don't want to, which is stupid because my house always being messy is one of my motivators for reclaiming my time.  I want to live in a clean, comfortable, inviting home.  I've always wanted that, but I feel further from that goal than I ever have in my entire life.  More on that another day.

It takes 21 days to make a habit (so they say), so I hope I start feeling more in control of my life and more focused on my goals by then.



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