Couch to 5k. Day 1.

I guess I am beginning alot of new things in my life.  I'm adding exercise, deleting social media, adding reading, adding goals.  Whatever.  I hope this translates into more positive and rewarding days in my life. 

So, about a month ago my 16 year old daughter finally talked me into a gym membership for the two of us.  She is totally into the gym, loves to go to classes, loves to use the hot tub and sauna, etc.  I just felt like it was time for me to start moving my body, because I was definitely starting to notice some problems:

1.  Clothes not fitting, not even if I went up a size.  I'm needing to go up 2 or 3 sizes to find clothes I'm comfortable in.  I'm aware I am fat. I am 202lbs and 5'2".  I've always been chubby, but I really have added about 50 lbs in 5 years. I have been a nurse for 6 years, and I see a correlation between my work and my weight. Maybe more on that another day.

2.  I can barely hook my bra because I lack flexibility.

3.  I am having a hard time getting out of bed and off the couch. It isn't one swift move.

4.  Totally out of breath going up a flight of stairs or walking faster than a stroll. I'm unconditioned.

5.  GERD. Snoring.

6.  This may be TMI, but I have to put in a little effort to wipe my butt the way I used to. 

So, because of this list and the fact that I have noticed these changes for about 2 years, I decided it was time to get off my ass and do something.  And I did.  I can't say that I do really hard workouts, but the 3 or so days I spend at the gym on the elliptical or treadmill on Level 1 is better than the nothing I have been doing for years.  And I knew that a little bit would lead me to wanting more, so now I am back on the Couch to 5k program.  I've done it before, but never finished it.  I've never run a 5k race.  I came close once, even bought my entry, but a couple of days before the race I split my knee open and needed stitches, a knee immobilizer and a tetanus shot.  That was almost 10 years ago. But, I was perusing podcasts and found one 5k program with music that wasn't confusing or weird  I subscribed to the podcast and today was the day I started.

So, what was it like?

Not bad at all. I know it gets tougher and I am trying to prepare for that. My shins were a little sore from a walking workout I did the other day.  I have great shoes (Brooks Ariels), but I need actual running socks to keep my feet from sliding around like they do in my thin, cheap anklet socks.  Thanks to Amazon Prime I should have a pair of $16 socks to run in by Thursday.  And I promise I will stretch.  In fact, I'm going to do some stretching now before bed.

XO, Amanda


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